
Our goal is to achieve a perfect end result by means of our services and with you as end user or partner.

What is Traqcdata?
Traqcdata makes production, value adding, shipping and returns transparent. You can log in remotely on the server where a complete overview of order data and/or production data is displayed. This data is continuously monitored, which ensures a smooth process when tracking and registering this data. Linked processes can be controlled remotely. An operator on site can view and operate linked processes using local controls as well as remote operation.
How does it work?
The picture shows an example of Traqcdata in action. The Traqcdata server collects all order or production data from ERP or WMS. Depending on orderdata specs the products will be lead trough the machines. During the processes the machines are steered centraly from the Traqcdata server. The machine steerings will remain autonomous but, decision points whome will decide what processes will be executed, can be programmed into the system. The operator can use remote operation or control the proces via a local HMI. Production data can be monitored in real time troughout the complete process. Installed PLC steerings on location communicate with the Traqcdata server and the complete proces in the factory. This ensures a smooth process, from order packing, packing of the product to delivering the order to the right dock.